full kit

"...a fine musician and a potent presence on stage.", Kate Westbrook.

"...The south-west supergroup (Granite) is completed by Coach York's powerhouse kit work. Like the whole evening, very hard, granular, crystalline, and totally rock solid..." , Richard Lee, London Jazz News.

"...distinctive and assured...", Duncan Heining, Jazzwise.

"...emphatic, rock solid time and driving momentum.", Phil Johnson, London Jazz News.

"And dig drummer Coach York, a musician whose view of the symbiotic nature of large ensemble music chimes absolutely with that of Lloyd.", Simon Spillett reviewing the Alex Lloyd Orchestra.

"...Coach York pasaba en un segundo de estar tocando la bateria de forma pausada y elegante a acelerar de repente y dotar a la musica de una gran intensidad..." , Francisco Macias, [ to move in a second from playing the drums in a slow and elegant way to suddenly accelerate the music to great intensity..."]

"Coach is the beating heart of the band, and a master of the Art. Totally alive to what's going on around him, he knows when to lay back, when to pile on the pressure and when to take charge.", Mike Westbrook.

"Yours was such an amazing session...thank you for responding to the music with such sensitivity and passion. It is a such a gift to have your questing and beautifully inventive drumming on the songs." Greta Vaughan

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In a career spanning over forty years, Coach York has worked extensively in all jazz idioms, from free improvisational duos with Lol Coxhill or Lou Gare to the tightly-arranged compositions of Mike Westbrook's 25 piece Uncommon Orchestra. He works regularly in many small ensembles with Craig Milverton, Jim Mullen, Alan Barnes etc., has accompanied many touring soloists including Slim Gaillard, Soweto Kinch, Peter King, Jean Toussaint etc., and appeared on stage with various members of the Bristol trip-hop band Portishead.

Recent performances have included the EFG London Jazz Festival, International Guitar Festival, Cheltenham Jazz Festival, Soho Pizza Express and several sold-out nights at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club. Coach has also worked extensively in Europe including a long residency in Spain, festivals in the UK, France and Germany including the International Rossini Festival in Northern Italy.

Coach has taken part in many recordings with line-ups as diverse as Mike and Kate Westbrook, the Craig Milverton trio, Dave Holdsworth's New Brew, the Alex Lloyd Orchestra, a duet of house music with west country saxophone colossus Charlie Hearnshaw, soundtracks for BBC Natural History programmes, and a solo project for David Jay from the gothic rock band Bauhaus.

Here's a nice review from the International Guitar Festival recently.

A good review of Mike Westbrook's Uncommon Orchestra.

And here's an upbeat clip from a gig with Gilad Atzmon at the Blue Vanguard.

Photograph copyright Robert Elford


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